Ode to a Knight in Shining Armour



A white knight on a shining steede,

Aka The Greene Defender,

Came and from our shackles freed.

Quoth boldly he “I’m come to send a…


Ripple throughout ye schoole.

Ye files are old, I want them new.

Beware my wrath, I am no foole –

Crossed swordes and won, there are but few!


But I will save thee from this plight.

Exalt ye schoole to enth degree.

Travailing I through day and night,

My faithfule Staffe alongside me”.


With high regarde thy Staffe hold thee,

House of Westbrook now restored.

How ye children laugh with glee.

By one and all thou art adored.


On this thy sixtieth year of birthe,

Niall Washington-Jones our Head,

May ye be merry and full of mirth

Drink well with us and be full fed.